Relief for Tinnitus Sufferers
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According to the American Tinnitus Association, 50 million people suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears), a discouraging condition of which there is no cure. Symptoms can range from mild to severe.
“One of the most crucial issues with ringing in the ears is the fact that it is traumatic to the person suffering from it, and it often affects their family or other close relationships, too,” says Andrew Cheng, MD, an otoaryngologist and scientific assistant professor in the department of Otolaryngology, head and neck surgery at new York medical College.
Dr. Cheng suggests that tinnitus individuals make these lifestyle changes to relieve their symptoms.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol
Manage anxiety better
Avoid exposure to additional loud noises which can intensify tinnitus additionally (invest in a good pair of Ear Plugs )
Decrease your sodium intake
Take Lipo-Flavonoid a nutritional supplement that contains the B complex group of vitamins in a base of Lipotropic agents, such as choline, inositol and pantothenic acid, plus vitamin C and bioflavonoids.
Cheng trusts Lipo-Flavonoid, “Seventy percent of my individuals with tinnitus have had some level of success with Lipo-Flavonoid, which supplies nutritional support to improve circulation in the inner ear for overall health.”
Take the Lipo-Flavonoid quiz.
Debby, a tinnitus sufferer shares her story in this touching video.
Do you suffer from tinnitus? If you answered yes you could win a bottle of Lipo-Flavonoid (a $30.00 value). All you need to do is leave a comment at the end of this article. Make sure you also include a valid e mail address or a link to your blog so we can get a hold of you if you win.
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